
On the generation of force required for actin-based motility


Alberto Salvadori, Claudia Bonanno, Mattia Serpelloni, Robert M. McMeeking (2024), On the generation of force required for actin-based motility. The fundamental question of how forces are generated in a [...]

On the generation of force required for actin-based motility2024-08-26T10:52:54+02:00

Alternative method to visualize receptor dynamics in cell membrane


C. Ravelli, M. Corsini, A. Ventura, M. Domenichini, E. Grillo, S. Mitola (2024), Alternative method to visualize receptor dynamics in cell membranes There is a close relation [...]

Alternative method to visualize receptor dynamics in cell membrane2024-06-17T16:48:50+02:00

Actin based motility unveiled: How chemical energy is converted into motion


C. Bonanno, M. Serpelloni, M. Arricca, R.M. McMeeking, A. Salvadori (2023), Actin based motility unveiled: How chemical energy is converted into motion, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Volume 175, June 2023, 105273, Actin-based motility [...]

Actin based motility unveiled: How chemical energy is converted into motion2023-04-17T10:46:42+02:00

Chemo-transport-mechanics in advecting membranes


Serpelloni, M. Arricca, M.; Bonanno, C.; Salvadori, A.; Chemo-transport-mechanics in advecting membranes. International Journal of Engineering Science, Volume 181, 1 December 2022 In many actual technological problems the system [...]

Chemo-transport-mechanics in advecting membranes2022-12-13T11:50:42+01:00

Modeling Receptor Motility along Advecting Lipid Membranes


Arricca, M.; Salvadori, A.; Bonanno, C.; Serpelloni, M. Modeling Receptor Motility along Advecting Lipid Membranes. Membranes (2022) This work aims to overview multiphysics mechanobiological computational models for receptor dynamics [...]

Modeling Receptor Motility along Advecting Lipid Membranes2022-12-13T11:51:57+01:00

Modeling and Simulation of VEGF Receptors Recruitment in Angiogenesis


Salvadori A., Damioli V., Ravelli C., Mitola S., "Modeling and Simulation of VEGF Receptors Recruitment in Angiogenesis," Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2018, Article ID 4705472, 10 pages, (2018) Angiogenesis, [...]

Modeling and Simulation of VEGF Receptors Recruitment in Angiogenesis2022-12-13T11:48:23+01:00

A coupled model of transport-reaction-mechanics with trapping


Salvadori A., McMeeking R., Grazioli D., Magri M., A coupled model of transport-reaction-mechanics with trapping. Part I - small strain analysis., Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Volume [...]

A coupled model of transport-reaction-mechanics with trapping2022-12-13T11:49:45+01:00

Multi-physics interactions drive VEGFR2 relocation on endothelial cells


V. Damioli, A. Salvadori, G.P. Beretta, C. Ravelli, S. Mitola, Multi-physics interactions drive VEGFR2 relocation on endothelial cells, Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 16700 (2017) Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor-2 [...]

Multi-physics interactions drive VEGFR2 relocation on endothelial cells2022-12-13T11:10:38+01:00
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