Mitola’s Lab
Ovarian cancer (OC) is the eighth most common and most lethal gynecological cancer, with 67,771 new cases and 44,576 deaths in Europe in 2018 (Global Cancer Observatory). High-grade serous carcinoma (HGSOC) is the most frequent and aggressive histotype of OC. More than 70% of HGSOC patients present intra-abdominal (I-A) metastases at diagnosis1, formed by direct exfoliation of epithelial cells into the peritoneal cavity2. Distant metastases also occur in 8-10% of patients3. The treatment of metastatic HGSOC remains a major clinical challenge as the therapeutic options often produce unsuccessful outcomes4.
Targeted therapies for OC include the blockade of VEGF/VEGFR2 axis by using the anti-VEGF antibody Bevacizumab5. However, VEGF blockade can accelerate metastasis
Goal of this project is to investigate the correlation between VEGFR2 expression and the VEGFR2-dependent generation and distribution of mechanical forces during HGSOC dissemination in other tissues.
“Dal confronto tra studiosi appartenenti a settori dell’ingegneria, della fisica, delle scienze della vita si aprono scenari ancora tutti da esplorare con potenzialità enormi per la ricerca avanzata – spiegano gli organizzatori –; la giornata di studi si propone di fare il punto su questi temi e di mettere a sistema nuove collaborazioni scientifiche”
Our Projects
Dealii-X: an Exascale Framework for Digital Twins of the Human Body
PI - A. Salvadori The Mechanobiology Research Center at the University of Brescia gladly announces to have received a EU funding for the Horizon-EuroHPC project “dealii-X: an [...]
The Mechanobiology of actin-based motility
PIs - A. Salvadori, C. Bonanno, M. Serpelloni In collaboration with: R. McMeeking, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA M. Guo, R. Kamm, “The mechanobiology lab”, MIT, Boston, [...]
Against the misuse of mechanics in the mechanobiology community
PI - A. Salvadori Within Mechanobiology, the misuse of terminology and methods of mechanics is increasingly noted, especially by isolated groups of biochemists and biologists, [...]